Instructions for Windows XP users to put a dial-up connection ICON on your Desktop.

  1. Click on "Start", choose "Connect To" ... (you may have to click on "Show All Connections")
  2. Under Network Tasks, click on "Create New Connection" – click NEXT
  3. Click on "Connect to the Internet", and click NEXT
  4. Choose "Set Up My Connection Manually" and click NEXT
  5. Choose "Connect Using A Dailup Modem" and click NEXT
  6. The ISP name is "MyShadeTree", click NEXT
  7. Fill in the phone number you were given to dial.
  8. Fill in the username you were given when you signed up, such as: mdh3??? then your password, confirm password and click NEXT (all characters must be lower case).
  9. Click on "Add A Shortcut To My Desktop" and click FINISH.
  10. You now have an Icon on your desktop, click it to connect to the internet.
  11. Note: your email settings are:
           POP3 settings for incoming e-mail are:
           SMTP settings for outgoing e-mail are:
Click here for further assistance from Microsoft Windows to set up your connection if you are having trouble. This will direct you to the Windows website with instructions.